
CULTURE Research Cards

How do you feel at work? How do you want to feel? Play a round with these cards and get to know what you value — and what you don’t — in work life.

It can be difficult to identify individual pain points within a team’s culture—sometimes even within yourself. This card “game” is best played with a trusted acquaintance. Take a moment to consider the 9 cards below.

Select 1 card that, in your opinion, best represents your current team dynamic at work. Whether you choose an entire company or one subgroup is up to you. Then select 1 more card that shows the team culture you would most like to work in. Why did you pick these cards? What did you think of? Discuss but try not to influence each other’s answers.


Silly games are often powerful communicators
— Esther Perel

The “trick”

It doesn’t matter a whole lot what is on the cards, except that it should NOT include a literal visual reference to the company or person being discussed. (For example — show these cards to a pack of cheetahs and they will probably select the cheetah card in both rounds.) This is loosely related to the Rorschach test, which in simple terms is a psychological examination of inkblots wherein the person reading the random shapes sees real imagery that relates to their inner concerns and interests, revealing their worldview to the therapist.


You see what is in your mind’s eye

Similarly to the Rorschach (inkblot) test, it is how you talk about the cards rather than what is on them that is meaningful. Most people will construct narratives around what is utmost on their mind.

If you care to record your answers once you are done, please add one person’s answers at a time to our research database. (Shared data will be kept anonymous and no personally identifiable info will be collected, or if it is collected unintentionally, will be protected and will not shared with outside parties.)