CHLA Diabetes Design Sprint

Design Sprint competition with student teams, USC faculty, and the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Diabetes department.


Team Project with Jessica Buchanon, Chi Hang Lo, Daryl Porcher, + Kelli Manthei. Led by USC Mentor + Design Strategy pioneer Matthew Manos



For my professional residential experience at the Academy, I participated in a transformative Design Sprint over a long weekend in February 2019, led by USC faculty Matthew Manos in partnership with the Children’s Hospital Los Angeles Diabetes department.

CHLA Diabetes Design Sprint participants, 2019

CHLA Diabetes Design Sprint participants, 2019

My CHLA Diabetes Design Sprint Dream Team, “One”

My CHLA Diabetes Design Sprint Dream Team, “One”

The group of student participants (left) was divided into 5 pre-selected teams that would compete to win a stipend to continue refining ideas, building solutions and conducting proofs of concept with CHLA, which made an especially exciting opportunity to impact the CHLA diabetes communities (outlined below).

Facts about the community served by CHLA

Facts about the community served by CHLA

With some pre-education and HIPAA certification, we continued the intensive learning on the first day with back to back expert lectures on: the Diabetes Design Sprint & Goals, Listening Toolkit Training, Understanding the Patient Population, and CHLA Information Services. Between presentations and afterward into the evening, we also had our first work time with our teams, field work, and interviews with hospital staff, as well as a research dinner with patients and families in the CHLA Diabetes community.


Research + Ideation

On our second day, groups split early with one student from each team attending in-clinic observations and the rest in a patient education demonstration led by a diabetes Nurse. Once reconvened, there was work time with methodology for Documentation, Reflection, Synthesis of Learnings and Findings led by Matthew Manos, followed by introduction presentations from the CHLA Information Services (IS) Team, participating Technology Companies (Cerner, GYANT, Noteworth, and RMDY Health), and Capability Presentations & Demonstrations

Interviewed staff, departments, and technology companies

Interviewed staff, departments, and technology companies

The 3rd day was jam packed with work time and generous advice from the staff and technology participants: Team report-out of learnings from Research, Synthesis, & Ideation; Group Work Time; Optional “Office Hours” with the Clinical Director and demonstrating Nurse for questions and feedback; Project Check-in with Matthew Manos; and Work/ Independent Time.

The remainder of the afternoon and evening was spent between Technology Solution “Speed Dating” (pairing student teams and technology companies to share ideas and collaborate) and Work Time for Teams & Vendors in regard to Brainstorm, Synthesis & Ideation


“One” sharing concepts with a technology company rep



Presentation advice from Matthew Manos

Presentation advice from Matthew Manos

Our fourth day focused on Work Time: Planning and Storytelling; Optional “Office Hours”; Presentation Dry-Runs; and more Work Time — heavy emphasis on the Dry-Run! Below is an early concept of team One’s messaging.

Feedback on our dry run (left) was:

  • Statistics are always good

  • What is the product exactly?

  • Clarify, clarify, clarify…

  • Who is the audience?

  • How can the catalyst for the one for one donor be engaged? Can it be someone from the community?

  • Knock down the diagrams.

  • The hand-drawn slides need to be re-positioned

  • Patient or provider story?

  • Language / AR nav - identify where the inefficiencies are.



Solution - Final Pitch

The fifth and final day had student teams presenting to the CHLA Diabetes Care Team Panel, each presentation given 15 minutes + 5 minutes Q&A
